About Marisela
Marisela Bracho, CCHt, LMT, MFA
Marisela has been involved in self-discovery through growth therapies, meditation, and mysticism since the early ’80s. Her experience as a facilitator began in 1985 with Breath Therapy or “Rebirthing”, a profound emotional release technique, where deep emotions and memories held in the body are released through the breath. To further her understanding of the body/mind connection she became a licensed Massage Therapist and strengthened her education with certification in modalities that offer nuanced subtle body/mind perspectives such as Cranial Sacral Therapy and Aquatic Bodywork.
With hypnotherapy she now offers a visionary framework facilitating personal growth and emotional integration, in an atmosphere of profound respect and compassion. Her goal is to support her clients in establishing a direct link to their deepest source of wisdom and inner power, so that the doors to fulfilling their true potential and spiritual realization swing open.
My life long commitment has been to personal transformation. Art was my first attempt to journey into the dimensions of the self. Soon I learned of paths rooted in meditation that focused on direct seeing.
To experience Marisela's artwork go to: MariselaBracho.com